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Bootstrap 3 Download: Everything You Need to Know About the Latest Version of the World's Best Front


How to Download Bootstrap 3 and Get Started with Responsive Web Design

If you are looking for a quick and easy way to create responsive websites that look great on any device, you should consider using Bootstrap 3. Bootstrap 3 is the most popular HTML, CSS, and JS framework for developing mobile-first projects on the web. In this article, you will learn what Bootstrap 3 is, how to download it, and how to use it in your web project.

What is Bootstrap 3?

Bootstrap 3 is the third version of Bootstrap, which was released in 2013. It is a collection of reusable code that helps you create responsive layouts, typography, buttons, forms, navigation, images, tables, and more. It also comes with dozens of custom components and plugins that add interactivity and functionality to your website.

download bootstrap 3

The benefits of using Bootstrap 3

There are many reasons why you might want to use Bootstrap 3 for your web development. Here are some of the main benefits:

  • It saves you time and effort. You don't have to write a lot of code from scratch or worry about cross-browser compatibility issues. You can use the predefined classes and components that Bootstrap 3 provides and customize them as you need.

  • It makes your website responsive. You can easily create websites that adapt to different screen sizes and orientations using the grid system and media queries that Bootstrap 3 offers. You can also use the responsive utilities to show or hide elements based on the device width.

  • It enhances your website's appearance and usability. You can make your website look professional and modern with the sleek design and typography that Bootstrap 3 has. You can also improve your website's user experience with the interactive features and animations that Bootstrap 3 supports.

The main features of Bootstrap 3

Bootstrap 3 has many features that make it a powerful and versatile framework. Here are some of the main features:

  • The grid system. Bootstrap 3 uses a 12-column grid system that allows you to create flexible layouts for different screen sizes. You can use the predefined classes to define the width and position of your columns, or use the mixins to customize your own grid.

  • The components. Bootstrap 3 has a variety of components that you can use to add functionality and style to your website. Some of the components are: buttons, forms, navbars, dropdowns, alerts, badges, progress bars, pagination, panels, wells, thumbnails, media objects, list groups, breadcrumbs, labels, modals, tooltips, popovers, carousels, tabs, accordions, and more.

  • The plugins. Bootstrap 3 has a number of plugins that extend the functionality of the components and add interactivity to your website. Some of the plugins are: transition, collapse, modal, dropdown, scrollspy, tab, tooltip, popover, alert, button, carousel, affix, and more.

  • The customization. Bootstrap 3 allows you to customize almost every aspect of the framework according to your preferences and needs. You can use the online customizer tool to select the components and plugins that you want to include in your download file. You can also use the Less or Sass source files to modify the variables and mixins that control the colors, fonts, sizes, margins, paddings, borders, shadows, and more.

How to download Bootstrap 3?

There are different ways to get Bootstrap 3 for your web project. You can choose the one that suits your needs and preferences. Here are the main options:

Downloading the compiled and minified version

This is the easiest and fastest way to download Bootstrap 3. You just need to go to the official website and click on the "Download Bootstrap" button. You will get a zip file that contains the following files:

  • bootstrap.css: The main CSS file that contains all the styles and components of Bootstrap 3.

  • bootstrap.min.css: The minified version of bootstrap.css that reduces the file size and improves the performance.

  • bootstrap.js: The main JS file that contains all the plugins and functionality of Bootstrap 3.

  • bootstrap.min.js: The minified version of bootstrap.js that reduces the file size and improves the performance.

  • fonts: A folder that contains the glyphicons icons that are used by some of the components of Bootstrap 3.

You can extract these files to your project folder and link them to your HTML file using the <link> and <script> tags.

Downloading the source files

This is a more advanced way to download Bootstrap 3. You need to have some knowledge of Less or Sass, which are CSS preprocessors that allow you to write more dynamic and modular code. You also need to have a compiler or a task runner that can compile your Less or Sass files into CSS files.

How to download bootstrap 3 and use it in your web projects

Download bootstrap 3 source code and customize it with less or sass

Download bootstrap 3 themes and templates for free

Download bootstrap 3 cdn links and include them in your html files

Download bootstrap 3 documentation and learn how to use its components and plugins

Download bootstrap 3 with bower, npm, or composer

Download bootstrap 3 examples and tutorials

Download bootstrap 3 grid system and layout your web pages

Download bootstrap 3 icons and fonts

Download bootstrap 3 navbar and create responsive navigation menus

Download bootstrap 3 carousel and add dynamic slideshows to your web pages

Download bootstrap 3 modal and create pop-up windows

Download bootstrap 3 form and style your input fields and buttons

Download bootstrap 3 table and display data in a structured way

Download bootstrap 3 panel and create collapsible content boxes

Download bootstrap 3 alert and show feedback messages to your users

Download bootstrap 3 button and create various types of buttons

Download bootstrap 3 dropdown and create drop-down menus and lists

Download bootstrap 3 tooltip and add hover effects to your elements

Download bootstrap 3 popover and add extra information to your elements

Download bootstrap 3 progress bar and show the progress of a task or process

Download bootstrap 3 pagination and create navigation links for your web pages

Download bootstrap 3 badge and add small labels to your elements

Download bootstrap 3 label and add descriptive text to your elements

Download bootstrap 3 jumbotron and create a large showcase area for your web pages

Download bootstrap 3 well and create inset effect for your elements

Download bootstrap 3 list group and create lists of items with optional badges, icons, or buttons

Download bootstrap 3 media object and create media content with images, text, or videos

Download bootstrap 3 thumbnail and create grid of images with optional captions or overlays

Download bootstrap 3 glyphicons and use scalable vector icons in your web pages

Download bootstrap 3 affix and create fixed position elements on your web pages

Download bootstrap 3 scrollspy and highlight the current section of your web page based on the scroll position

Download bootstrap 3 tab and create tabbed navigation for your web pages

Download bootstrap 3 collapse and create accordion or toggleable content for your web pages

Download bootstrap 3 transition and add smooth transition effects to your elements

Download bootstrap 3 typeahead and add autocomplete functionality to your input fields

Download bootstrap 3 datepicker and add a calendar widget to your input fields

Download bootstrap 3 slider and add a range input to your web pages

Download bootstrap 3 validator and add validation rules to your forms

Download bootstrap 3 colorpicker and add a color picker widget to your input fields

Download bootstrap 3 timepicker and add a time picker widget to your input fields

Download bootstrap 3 rating and add a star rating system to your web pages

Download bootstrap 3 lightbox and add a modal window with images or videos to your web pages

Download bootstrap 3 wizard and create a step-by-step process for your web pages

Download bootstrap 3 tagsinput and add tags input functionality to your input fields

Download bootstrap 3 switch and add toggle switches to your web pages

Download bootstrap 3 spinner and add loading indicators to your web pages

Download bootstrap 3 knob and add circular sliders to your web pages

You can download the source files from the official website by clicking on the "Download source" button. You will get a zip file that contains the following folders:

  • dist: This folder contains the same files as the compiled and minified version, which you can use if you don't want to customize anything.

  • less: This folder contains all the Less files that are used to generate the bootstrap.css file. You can edit these files to change the variables, mixins, and styles of Bootstrap 3.

  • sass: This folder contains all the Sass files that are used to generate the bootstrap.css file. You can edit these files to change the variables, mixins, and styles of Bootstrap 3.

  • js: This folder contains all the JS files that are used to generate the bootstrap.js file. You can edit these files to change the plugins and functionality of Bootstrap 3.

  • fonts: This folder contains the same glyphicons icons as the compiled and minified version.

  • docs: This folder contains the documentation and examples of Bootstrap 3, which you can use as a reference or inspiration.

You can extract these folders to your project folder and compile your Less or Sass files into CSS files using your preferred tool. You can also link them to your HTML file using the <link> and <script> tags.

Using a CDN

This is another easy way to download Bootstrap 3. You don't need to download any file or folder, you just need to link to them from a CDN (Content Delivery Network), which is a service that hosts and delivers files over the internet. This way, you can save bandwidth and storage space, and also benefit from faster loading times and better performance.

You can use a CDN such as MaxCDN or Cloudflare to get Bootstrap 3 for your web project. You just need to copy and paste the URLs of the bootstrap.css and bootstrap.js files into your HTML file using the <link> and <script> tags. For example:

<!-- Latest compiled and minified CSS --> <link rel="stylesheet" href=" <!-- Latest compiled and minified JavaScript --> <script src="

Note that you also need to link to jQuery, which is a JS library that Bootstrap 3 depends on. You can also use a CDN such as Google Hosted Libraries or Microsoft Ajax CDN to get jQuery for your web project. For example:

<!-- jQuery library --> How to use Bootstrap 3 in your web project?

Now that you have downloaded Bootstrap 3, you can start using it in your web project. You need to have some basic knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JS to use Bootstrap 3 effectively. Here are the main steps to follow:

The basic structure of a Bootstrap 3 page

A Bootstrap 3 page has a simple and standard structure that consists of the following elements:

  • The HTML5 doctype and meta tags

  • The Bootstrap 3 CSS and JS files

  • The container, row, and column classes

The HTML5 doctype and meta tags

The first thing you need to do is to declare the HTML5 doctype at the top of your HTML file. This tells the browser that you are using HTML5 and enables the proper rendering of your page. You can use this code:

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en">

Next, you need to add some meta tags inside the <head> section of your HTML file. These meta tags provide some information about your page and help with the responsiveness and compatibility of your website. You can use these code snippets:

<!-- The charset meta tag specifies the character encoding of your page --> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <!-- The viewport meta tag controls the layout and scaling of your page on different devices --> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"> <!-- The title meta tag defines the title of your page that appears on the browser tab --> <title>How to Download Bootstrap 3 and Get Started with Responsive Web Design</title>

The Bootstrap 3 CSS and JS files

After adding the meta tags, you need to link to the Bootstrap 3 CSS and JS files inside the <head> section of your HTML file. These files are essential for applying the styles and functionality of Bootstrap 3 to your website. You can use these code snippets depending on how you downloaded Bootstrap 3:

<!-- If you downloaded the compiled and minified version --> <!-- Link to the bootstrap.min.css file --> <link rel="stylesheet" href="bootstrap-3.4.1-dist/css/bootstrap.min.css"> <!-- If you downloaded the source files --> <!-- Link to the bootstrap.css file that you compiled from the Less or Sass files --> <link rel="stylesheet" href="bootstrap-3.4.1/css/bootstrap.css"> <!-- If you used a CDN --> <!-- Link to the bootstrap.min.css file from the CDN URL --> <link rel="stylesheet" href="

<!-- Before closing the </head> tag, you need to link to jQuery, which is required by Bootstrap 3 --> <!-- You can use a CDN URL or a local file --> <script src=" <!-- After opening the </body> tag, you need to link to the Bootstrap 3 JS file --> <!-- You can use these code snippets depending on how you downloaded Bootstrap 3 --> <!-- If you downloaded the compiled and minified version --> <!-- Link to the bootstrap.min.js file --> <script src="bootstrap-3.4.1-dist/js/bootstrap.min.js"></script> <!-- If you downloaded the source files --> <!-- Link to the bootstrap.js file that you compiled from the JS files --> <script src="bootstrap-3.4.1/js/bootstrap.js"></script> <!-- If you used a CDN --> <!-- Link to the bootstrap.min.js file from the CDN URL --> <script src="

The container, row, and column classes

Finally, you need to use the container, row, and column classes inside the <body> section of your HTML file. These classes are the core of the Bootstrap 3 grid system, which helps you create responsive layouts for different screen sizes. You can use these code snippets as a template:

<!-- The container class creates a fixed-width container that centers your content --> <!-- You can also use the container-fluid class to create a full-width container that spans the entire viewport --> <div > <!-- The row class creates a horizontal group of columns that can be aligned and spaced --> <!-- You can nest rows inside rows to create more complex layouts --> <div > <!-- The column classes define the width and position of your columns on different screen sizes --> <!-- You can use the col-xs-, col-sm-, col-md-, and col-lg- prefixes to target extra small, small, medium, and large devices respectively --> <!-- You can also use the col-offset-, col-push-, and col-pull- modifiers to adjust the offset, order, and alignment of your columns --> <div > <!-- Your content goes here --> </div> <!-- You can repeat the column classes as many times as you need to fill up the 12-column grid --> <div > <!-- Your content goes here --> </div> <!-- You can also use different column classes for different screen sizes to create responsive layouts --> <div > <!-- Your content goes here --> </div> </div> </div>

The common Bootstrap 3 components and plugins

Once you have set up the basic structure of your Bootstrap 3 page, you can start adding the components and plugins that Bootstrap 3 provides. These are ready-made elements that you can use to enhance the functionality and style of your website. You can find the documentation and examples of all the components and plugins on the official website. Here are some of the most common ones:

The navigation bar

The navigation bar is a component that creates a responsive and collapsible menu that contains links, buttons, forms, and other elements. You can use the <nav> tag and the .navbar class to create a navigation bar. You can also use the .navbar-default or .navbar-inverse classes to change the color scheme of your navigation bar. You can use these code snippets as a template:

<!-- The nav tag with the navbar class creates a navigation bar --> <nav > <!-- The container class centers and contains your navigation bar content --> <div > <!-- The navbar-header div contains the brand name and the toggle button for small screens --> <div > <!-- The button tag with the navbar-toggle class creates a toggle button that shows or hides the menu on small screens --> <!-- You need to add some data attributes and a span tag with the icon-bar class for each line of the button --> <button type="button" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#myNavbar"> <span ></span> <span ></span> <span ></span> </button> <!-- The a tag with the navbar-brand class creates a brand name that links to your homepage --> <a href="#" >Bootstrap 3 Tutorial</a> </div> <!-- The div tag with the collapse and navbar-collapse classes creates a collapsible menu that contains the navigation links and other elements --> <!-- You need to add an id attribute that matches the data-target attribute of the toggle button --> <div id="myNavbar"> <!-- The ul tag with the nav and navbar-nav classes creates a list of navigation links that are aligned to the left by default --> <ul > <!-- The li tags create the list items that contain the links --> <!-- You can use the active class to highlight the current page --> <li ><a href="#">Home</a></li> <li><a href="#">About</a></li> <li><a href="#">Services</a></li> <li><a href="#">Contact</a></li> <!-- You can also use the dropdown class to create a dropdown menu that contains sub-links --> <!-- You need to add a data-toggle attribute and a caret span to the parent link --> <li > <a href="#" data-toggle="dropdown">More <span ></span></a> <!-- The ul tag with the dropdown-menu class creates the dropdown menu that contains the sub-links --> <ul > <li><a href="#">Blog</a></li> <li><a href="#">Portfolio</a></li> <li><a href="#">FAQ</a></li> </ul> </li> </ul> <!-- You can also use the navbar-right class to align some elements to the right of the navigation bar --> <!-- For example, you can add a form with a search input and a button --> <form > <!-- The div tag with the form-group class creates a group of form elements --> <div > <!-- The input tag with the form-control class creates a text input for the search query --> <input type="text" placeholder="Search"> </div> <!-- The button tag with the btn and btn-default classes creates a button for submitting the form --> <button type="submit" >Go</button> </form> </div> </div> </nav>

The carousel

The carousel is a component that creates a slideshow of images, text, and other content that can be controlled by indicators or arrows. You can use the <div> tag and the .carousel and .slide classes to create a carousel. You can also use some data attributes and JS options to customize the behavior and appearance of your carousel. You can use these code snippets as a template:

<!-- The div tag with the carousel and slide classes creates a carousel --> <!-- You need to add an id attribute that will be used by the indicators and controls --> <!-- You also need to add some data attributes to enable or disable some features of the carousel --> <div id="myCarousel" data-ride="carousel" data-interval="3000" data-pause="hover" data-wrap="true"> <!-- The ol tag with the carousel-indicators class creates a list of indicators that show the current slide and allow you to switch slides --> <ol > <!-- The li tags create the indicators that are linked to each slide by their index --> <!-- You need to add a data-target attribute that matches the id of the carousel --> <!-- You also need to add a data-slide-to attribute that specifies the index of the slide --> <!-- You can use the active class to highlight the indicator of the current slide --> <li data-target="#myCarousel" data-slide-to="0" ></li> <li data-target="#myCarousel" data-slide-to="1"></li> <li data-target="#myCarousel" data-slide-to="2"></li> </ol> <!-- The div tag with the carousel-inner class creates a container for the slides --> <div > <!-- The div tags with the item class create the slides that contain the content --> <!-- You can use the active class to show the first slide by default --> <div > <!-- The img tag creates an image that fills the entire slide --> <!-- You need to add a src attribute that specifies the URL of the image --> <!-- You can also add an alt attribute that describes the image --> <img src="image1.jpg" alt="First slide"> <!-- The div tag with the carousel-caption class creates a caption that overlays the image --> <!-- You can use any HTML elements inside the caption, such as headings, paragraphs, links, etc. --> <div > <h3>First slide title</h3> <p>First slide description</p> </div> </div> <!-- You can repeat the item div tags as many times as you need to create more slides --> <div > <img src="image2.jpg" alt="Second slide"> <div > <h3>Second slide title</h3> <p>Second slide description</p> </div> </div> <div > <img src="image3.jpg" alt="Third slide"> <div > <h3>Third slide title</h3> <p>Third slide description</p> </div> </div> </div> <!-- The a tags with the left and right carousel-control classes create arrows that allow you to navigate between slides --> <!-- You need to add a href attribute that matches the id of the carousel --> <!-- You also need to add a data-slide attribute that specifies the direction of the navigation --> <a href="#myCarousel" data-slide="prev"> <!-- The span tag with the glyphicon and glyphicon-chevron-left classes creates an icon for the left arrow --> <span ></span> <!-- The span tag with the sr-only class creates a text for screen readers --> <span >Previous</span> </a> <a href="#myCarousel" data-slide="next"> <!-- The span tag with the glyphicon and glyphicon-chevron-right classes creates an icon for the right arrow --> <span ></span> <!-- The span tag with the sr-only class creates a text for screen readers --> <span >Next</span> </a> </div>

The modal

The modal is a component that creates a popup window that overlays the current page and displays some content or a form. You can use the <div> tag and the .modal class to create a modal. You can also use some data attributes and JS options to customize the behavior and appearance of your modal. You can use these code snippets as a template:

<!-- The button tag with the btn and btn-primary classes creates a button that triggers the modal --> <!-- You need to add some data attributes to link the button to the modal --> <button type="button" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#myModal"> <!-- The text of the button --> Open Modal </button> <!-- The div tag with the modal and fade classes creates a modal that fades in and out --> <!-- You need to add an id attribute that matches the data-target attribute of the button --> <div id="myModal" role="dialog"> <!-- The div tag with the modal-dialog class creates a container for the modal content --> <div > <!-- The div tag with the modal-content class creates the modal content --> <div > <!-- The div tag with the modal-header class creates the header of the modal --> <!-- It contains a title and a close button --> <div > <!-- The button tag with the close class creates a close button that dismisses the modal --> <!-- You need to add some data attributes and a span tag with the icon for the button --> <button type="button" data-dismiss="modal">×</button> <!-- The h4 tag with the modal-title class creates a title for the modal --> <h4 >Modal Title</h4> </div> <!-- The div tag with the modal-body class creates the body of the modal --> <!-- It contains any content or form that you want to display in the modal --> <div > <!-- The p tag creates a paragraph of text for the modal --> <p>Some text in the modal.</p> </div> <!-- The div tag with the modal-footer class creates the footer of the modal --> <!-- It contains some buttons or links that perform some actions on the modal --> <div > <!-- The button tag with the btn and btn-default classes creates a button that dismisses the modal --> <button type="button" data-dismiss="modal">Close</button> </div> </div> </div> </div>

The tooltip

The tooltip is a component that creates a small popup that shows some information when you hover over an element. You can use any HTML element and add some data attributes to create a tooltip. You can also use some JS options to customize the behavior and appearance of your tooltip. You can use these code snippets as a template:

<!-- The a tag with the btn and btn-info classes creates a button that has a tooltip --> <!-- The a tag with the btn and btn-info classes creates a button that has a tooltip --> <!-- You need to add some data attributes to specify the content and placement of the tooltip --> <!-- You also need to add the data-toggle attribute to enable the tooltip --> <a href="#" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="top" title="This is a tooltip"> <!-- The text of the button --> Hover over me </a> <!-- You can also use other HTML elements and data attributes to create tooltips --> <!-- For example, you can use the p tag with the data-original-title attribute to create a paragraph that has a tooltip --> <p data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="right" data-original-title="This is another tooltip"> <!-- The text of the paragraph --> This is some text with a tooltip. </p>


In this article, you have learned how to download Bootstrap 3 and how to use it in your web project. You have also learned about some of the main features, components, and plugins that Bootstrap 3 provides. Bootstrap 3 is a powerful and versatile framework that can help you create responsive websites that look great on any device. You can find more information and examples on the official website or on other online resources. You can also experiment with Bootstrap 3 and create your own custom designs and functionality. We hope you enjoyed this article and found it useful. Happy coding!


Here are some of the frequently asked questions about Bootstrap 3:

What is the difference between Bootstrap 3 and Bootstrap 4?

Bootstrap 4 is the latest version of Bootstrap, which was released in 2018. It has some major changes and improvements over Bootstrap 3, such as:

  • It uses flexbox instead of floats for the grid system, which makes it more flexible and responsive.

  • It uses rem and em units instead of pixels for sizing, which makes it more scalable and accessible.

  • It uses Sass instead of Less as the CSS preprocessor, which makes it more powerful and customizable.

  • It has more components and plugins, such as cards, badges, forms, spinners, toast, etc.

  • It has better support for modern browsers and technologies, such as flexbox, grid, custom properties, etc.

You can learn more about Bootstrap 4 on the official website or on other online resources.

How can I update from Bootstrap 3 to Bootstrap 4?

If you want to update your web project from Bootstrap 3 to Bootstrap 4, you need to follow some steps, such as:

  • Download Bootstrap 4 from the official website or use a CDN.

  • Replace the Bootstrap 3 CSS and JS files with the Bootstrap 4 ones in your HTML file.

  • Update your HTML code to use the new classes and syntax of Bootstrap 4.

  • Update your custom CSS code to use the new variables and mixins of Bootstrap 4.

  • Test your web project on different devices and browsers to check for any issues or bugs.

You can find more detailed instructions and tips on how to migrate from Bootstrap 3 to Bootstrap 4 on the official website or on other online resources.

How can I customize Bootstrap 3?

If you want to customize Bootstrap 3 according to your preferences and needs, you have several options, such as:

  • Use the online customizer tool on the official website to select the components and plugins that you want to include in your download file. You can also modify some variables and options that control the colors, fonts, sizes, etc. of Bootstrap 3.

  • Use the Less or Sass source files to edit the variables and mixins that control the styles and functionality of Bootstrap 3. You can also add your own custom code or import other libraries or frameworks.

  • Use your own custom CSS code to override or extend the styles of Bootstrap 3. You can also use media queries or responsive utilities to target specific devices or screen sizes.

You can find more information and examples on how to customize Bootstrap 3 on the official website or on other online resources.

How can I learn more about Bootstrap 3?

If you want to learn more about Bootstrap 3, If you want to learn more about Bootstrap 3, you have several resources that you can use, such as: - The official website of Bootstrap 3, which contains the documentation, examples, customizer, blog, and more. You can visit it at . - The online courses and tutorials that teach you how to use Bootstrap 3 for web development. You can find some of them on , , , and . - The books and ebooks that cover the topics and techniques of Bootstrap 3. You can find some of them on , , , and . - The forums and communities that help you with your questions and issues related to Bootstrap 3. You can join some of them on , , , and . We hope this article has helped you understand how to download Bootstrap 3 and get started with responsive web design. If you have any feedback or suggestions, please let us know in the comments below. Thank you for reading! 44f88ac181

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